"Why are we Alive? Why are we Conscious?Those are bold statements coming from the back of a book that only has used copies on Amazon and has had its Wikipedia entry deleted twice. But perhaps that's just how it would work in this crazy world. Would you really expect to find pure, unmitigated, ultimate TRUTH to be found on the New York Times bestseller list or in the holy book of a popular religion? It just figures that you would stumble upon a random pdf in the farthest corners of the internet and find the answers to the most important secrets of life, death, and the universe itself.
What happens after death and before we are conceived? Why?
What happened to advanced civilizations and continents (Mu, Atlantis)?
Shall we also face a global catastrophe? When? What? Why?
What are the greatest dangers for humanity on earth?
Should we dream or act? Can we change the system without hurting anyone?
Whoever seeks answers to any of the above will find this book truly fascinating.
There are no theories in this book, no wishful thinking or fantasy. It is an exact witness report of the Reality of the Universe.
Are you ready?"
So let's cut to the chase. In June of 1987, Michel Desmarquet left his home and family in Australia for nine Earth days. During that time he was abducted by Extra-terrestrial Beings, the most spiritually evolved and technologically advanced in the galaxy, and they physically took him to their planet so that he could bear witness to the Truth, return to Earth, and tell us all about it. He originally published his report as "Abduction to the 9th Planet", and it is now available as "Thiaoouba Prophecy", named after the home planet of Thao, who led Michel through his fantastic journey of time and space, mind and spirit.
Thiaoouba Prophecy tells the chronological account of how he spent those 9 days and what he learned while he was with Thao and her people. In his report you will learn that we are not the only human beings in the galaxy, but far from it. The billions and billions of stars in the universe are inhabited by humanoids who may look different than us based on the environmental conditions of their planet, but share a common spiritual purpose with us and all living creatures. His report explains the mysteries of our planet and all the wonders of the ancient world, from the giant statues of Easter Island to the Bermuda Triangle and the Great Pyramids of Egypt. It tells the story of the first humans to colonize this planet and of the various advanced civilizations that rose and fell before our recorded history. His report tells us the most important truths from the Big Bang and the meaning of life and death to the future of humans on this planet - or whatever future we have left. That is the reason Michel was chosen to bear witness and bring back this message at this time - it seems that we are at a turning point in our "civilization" based on the intersection of our current level of technology and our decadent culture. This is our moment to either rise to the occasion and go to the next level of spiritual awareness or go the way of Atlantis and other ancient civilizations buried at the bottom of the oceans.
Before we proceed to review the message that Michel received, let me make a recommendation about how to think about this information, especially if you read Thiaoouba Prophecy. Michel is adamant that his book is not a work of science fiction, that it is an "exact witness report of the Reality of the Universe". Indeed, he challenges any physicist or anyone else to disprove a single statement in his book, and he declares that it would not be possible for himself, or anyone else, to make up this story. In order to imagine one coherent and consistent account that answers all of life's mysteries you'd have to be a genius and a brilliant science fiction writer, a brilliant theologian, a brilliant historian, a brilliant physicist, etc. - and as Michel is the first to admit that while he may be a brilliant landscape architect, he is none of these other things.
But because we all hold beliefs, some or many of which may be in conflict with this book, particularly religious, historical, and political beliefs, you might find yourself "reading" Thiaoouba Prophecy while really just searching for statements that go against your preconceptions. Aha! This book can't be true, because the bible clearly states this, or the latest carbon dating clearly shows that, so this whole thing must be rubbish. I encourage you to keep an open mind, and the best way to do that is to allow yourself to play with the ideas in this book. Entertain them. Read it as if it were science fiction, and ask yourself - what can I learn from this? Does it have any good recommendations? If this were true, how would it change my beliefs or require me to live my life differently? My point is that truth doesn't come from authority. A homeless man can speak a beautiful truth, and a PH.D. holding Nobel Prize winner can blather pure nonsense. If Thiaoouba Prophecy does contains truth, whether Ultimate Truth or just enough truth to help you live a better life or help us all improve society, does it matter whether Michel is a humble genius who made this up, or if his fantastic journey to the 9th planet really happened? The only question that matters is, what are you going to do about it?
The Reality of the Universe
"You have been chosen by us, to visit our planet, in order to report certain messages and to offer enlightenment on several important issues when you return to Earth. The time has come when certain events must occur. After several thousand years of darkness and savagery on the planet Earth, a so-called ‘civilization’ appeared and, inevitably, technology was developed - a development, which was accelerated during the last 150 years.
It has been 14,500 years since a comparable level of technological advance existed on Earth. This technology, which is nothing compared with true knowledge, is nevertheless, sufficiently advanced to become harmful to the human race on Earth in the very near future.Those are quotes scattered throughout Thiaoouba Prophecy which set the stage for what is to follow - the Reality of the Universe. Because the first question that comes to mind is this: Why would Thao choose to take Michel on this trip across the galaxy and back with this message, and why now? But knowing that the purpose of our physical existence is to experience spiritual development, then any familiarity with the plans and predictions of Ray Kurzweil and other leading technocratic elites should make it clear that we are drifting farther and farther from our purpose in life at an ever increasing rate. We're rapidly approaching the tipping point. It's bad enough that everyone is addicted to smart phones, televisions, and social media instead of being present and engaged in the real world around them. But if you take people like Kurzweil seriously, and imagine a world where we "upload our consciousness" and "merge with machines" - well that's just taking it to a whole new level, one that might warrant an interstellar intervention.
Harmful, because it is only material knowledge and not spiritual knowledge. Technology should assist spiritual development, not confine people, more and more, within a materialistic world, as is happening now on your planet.
The creator sought spiritual experiences through a material world.
Man exists physically for the sole purpose of developing spiritually.
Universal Law decrees that man's principle obligation, regardless of which planet he happens to inhabit, is to develop his spirituality.
In other words your technology, which is nothing compared with what existed on Earth more than 14,500 years ago, is dragging your civilization down, and pushing it closer and closer to moral and spiritual catastrophe.
A certain percentage of these people are arriving at a very critical point in history and we feel that the time has come to try to assist them. If they will listen, we can ensure that they take the right path. This is why you have been chosen..."
However, the abduction of Michael Desmarquet isn't the first time the people of Thiaoouba have intervened with the people of earth. In fact, they keep a close watch over our planet, living among us in physical bodies or by projecting their astral presence here. In some situations they intervene directly, such as influencing the behaviors of certain leaders. For example, they prevented Germany from being the first nation to have use of the atomic bomb to avoid the calamity of a Nazi triumph of World War Two. They also removed billions of "needles" from Earth's orbit that the U.S. Department of Defense released in 1963 as part of a telecommunications experiment, as they judged them to have been potentially disastrous for us. So while they can lend us a hand or prevent our experts from playing with matches, they cannot save us from disaster automatically. Not only would it be counter-productive, as it would be like a parent doing their child's homework for them and thereby preventing the child from ever learning his lessons, but more importantly, "serving the meal on a plate" would go against Universal Law. What is Universal Law? Let's start at the beginning - with the Big Bang:
"In the beginning there was nothing except darkness and a spirit - THE Spirit.Thus, using the first of his four forces, the atomic force, the suns, the worlds, and all the atoms were formed over billions of years. The planets cooled, continents formed, and some planets became habitable to life. Then, using the second force, what they call the "Ovocosmic Force", the Spirit created the primary living creatures and plants with cosmic rays which ended up as "cosmic eggs". And now we get to the good part: humans. The Spirit always imagined experiencing feelings through a special creature, and thus he created that creature, man, with the third force, the "Ovoastromic Force". "Blood that circulates thanks to the heart that beats millions of times independently of the will...lungs that purify the blood by means of a complex system...the nervous system...the brain which gives the orders, aided by the five senses...the spinal cord which is ultra-sensitive and which will make you [instantly] withdraw your hand from a hot stove so you won’t burn yourself." All this for billions and billions of completely unique individuals; no two with the same fingerprints and no two having the same "crystalline" of the blood - pretty impressive stuff. And now we come to the fourth force, the reason that our purpose in life is spiritual development:
The Spirit was, and is, infinitely powerful - powerful beyond the comprehension of any human mind. The Spirit is so powerful that he was able, by the action of his will alone, to trigger an atomic explosion with chain reactions of unimaginable force. In fact, the Spirit imagined the worlds - he imagined how to create them - from the most enormous to the most minuscule. He imagined the atoms. When he imagined them he created, in his imagination, all that moved and will move: all that lived and will live; all that is motionless, or seems to be - every single thing.
But it existed only in his imagination. All was still in darkness. Once he had an overall view of what he wanted to create, he was able, by his exceptional spiritual force, to create, instantaneously, the four forces of the Universe.
With these, he directed the first and the most gigantic atomic explosion of all time - what certain people on Earth call ‘The Big Bang’. The Spirit was at its center and induced it. Darkness was gone and the Universe was creating itself according to the will of the Spirit"
"The Fourth force had a very important role to play: it had to bring to fruition all that the Spirit had imagined. It ‘inserted’ thus, an infinitesimal part of the Spirit in the human body. This comprises what you could call the Astral body, which forms one ninth of the essential human being and consists of one ninth of a ‘Higher-self’, which is sometimes called ‘overself'. The Higher-self of man is, in other words, an entity which sends one ninth of itself into a human body, becoming the person’s Astral being. Other physical bodies are inhabited, similarly, by other ninths of the same Higher-self and yet each part remains integral to the central entity. Further, the Higher-self is a ninth part of a superior Higher-self which, in turn, is a ninth part of a more superior Higher-self. The process continues as far back as the source, and allows the enormous filtration of spiritual experience required by the Spirit."
The Astral body - our connection to The Great Spirit. We are in constant communication with our higher-self via our cerebral canal, which acts as a transmitting and receiving post conducting special vibrations between our Astral Body and our Higher-self. Through this mechanism (explored in books like The Field: The Quest for the Secret Force of the Universe) our Higher-self monitors us day and night and can do things like save us from accidents, refresh us and bring us solutions to our problems in our sleep ("Night brings counsel"), and even perform the miraculous like healings that can't be explained by modern science or even resuscitating the dead (see DMT: The Spirit Molecule: A Doctor's Revolutionary Research into the Biology of Near-Death and Mystical Experiences).
Nine seems to be the number of the universe. Nine planets revolve around a sun, which revolves around a larger sun, each with nine sub-suns and nine planets each, which is again is one chain of nine to a larger sun, ad infinitum, all the way to the center of it all. While for some periods of time a planet may disappear or appear, it always reverts back to a structure based on nine.
Michael is surprised to find Thao uses the Arabic number system, and in the appendix he shows how the numbers relate to their angles. While snopes and other internet detectives have "disproved" this "hoax", I find it interesting. |
Hence, there are 9 "levels" of planets, one for each level of humans and their associated Astral body. And you guessed it, we live on a level one planet, sometimes called "The Planet of Sorrows". Earth, like other first category planets, provides a learning environment like a kindergarten with an emphasis on teaching basic social skills. As we are reincarnated and live various lives on this and other level one planets, we eventually graduate to a second category planet, like a primary school where further values are taught. As we move up the chain and reach planets on the sixth, seventh, eight, and eventually ninth categories, both our physical bodies and Astral bodies reach a progressively more highly evolved state. At the ninth level, they have the power to rejoin the Spirit and reach a point of "pure happiness" - definitely something worth working towards.
Alex Grey's "Godself" also shows nine - he must be on to something. |
So there we have it, the meaning of life. We all live on this planet in order to learn how to live, suffer, and die, but also to develop spiritually as much as we can. Let's get to it.
The Dangers to Mankind
In order to maximize our time in this life towards spiritual development, we must be aware of the dangers we face. Thao warns that it is not our physical bodies we should be concerned about, but dangers that brainwash our minds and corrupt our souls. She advises four key areas that we need to be aware of:
"The real dangers on Earth, in order of ‘importance’ are: first money then politicians; third journalists and drugs and fourth religions. These dangers in no way relate to nuclear arms.Money, the root of all evil? The Venus Project people were right! While there are a few passages that would seem to condemn money, when you take the lessons in context, it doesn't seem to be money as the medium of exchange that they warn against. Money, as created by the market, is what enables the price system, which allows individuals to collectively economize scarce goods without the need for a controlling authority or technocratic elite to determine the infinite possibilities of what, how, where, and when to engage in the production process to serve fellow men. Rather, it is the love of money, the singular pursuit of money and all that money buys to the exclusion of everything else that they warn against.
If the people on Earth are wiped out by a nuclear cataclysm, their Astral beings will go where they must after death and the natural order of death and rebirth will be maintained. The danger does not lie in the death of the physical body, as millions believe: the danger exists in the way in which one lives."
"The greatest danger concerns ‘materialism’. The people of your planet seek money - to some it’s a means of attaining power; to others it’s a means to acquire drugs, (another curse) yet to others, it’s a way of possessing more than their neighbors possess."So that makes more sense, especially in light of what we've learned about the Reality of the Universe. Our Astral body can only be enriched spiritually - not materially. Our physical body is just a vehicle we use to garble up spiritual experience, and when we die we can't take our toys with us. So a life devoted to money and materialism is a waste of time or even a setback for our spiritual development. That said, when considering the "hierarchy of needs", it seems money is necessary in order to facilitate trade and secure at least a basic standard of living. Only once the bare necessities are taken care of do we have the time and energy left over to dedicate to the higher and nobler pursuits, including spiritual development. So maybe we shouldn't abandon money and join the Venus project. Not to mention, the Venus project assumes a technological elite that will dictate how humans interact. Thao condemns all forms of authoritarianism - including communism. But voluntary communism, when individuals choose to pool their resources together and share amongst themselves, whether that is the communism of the family or of small communities - there is nothing wrong with that. In fact it may be very right! It may not be as economical, meaning that scarce goods will not be used to satisfy the most urgently felt needs of all men engaged in the market process, but compared to moving up the spiritual ladder, maybe having the maximum standard of living isn't so all-important.
"On Earth, there is a great need for discipline, but 'discipline' does not mean dictatorship. The Great Spirit, the Creator himself obliges no creature, human or otherwise, to do anything against their will. We all have free will and it is up to us to discipline ourselves in order to improve spiritually.
To impose one's will on another, in a way which deprives the individual of the privilege of exercising his own free will, is one of the greatest crimes that man can commit."Allow yourself to ponder that statement and reflect on what it means for us. That should give you pause. The very foundation of our whole rotten society is based on violating the "greatest crime" of imposing our will on one another. It's one thing to have a government that forbids malum in se crimes: murder, assault, rape, theft, etc. But we live in a world where it's illegal to sell toilets that use more than 1.6 gallons per flush, where cops pull sting operations on unsuspecting women for operating a taxi without a license, where scholars estimate every American commits three felonies a day!
So if politicians are our 2nd greatest problem do the Thiaooubians recommend we adopt Rothbardian Anarcho-Capitalism? Unfortunately not - but what can I expect from a Planet of Sorrows? Instead, they describe how decentralized, democratic-monarchist political systems have worked with varying levels of success on other first category planets, where "leaders" operate within a very narrow range of action as opposed to "rulers" with unlimited power.
In the example of Mu (an advanced civilization that existed on Earth 14,500 years ago on a lost continent whose only remaining trace is Easter Island) it seems their laws only forbade malum in se crimes, and while the punishments were severe, crime was practically non-existent. They made absolutely sure of the guilt of the person by using several mind-readers for hours at a time, and those mind-readers prepared separate notes which were then given to the judge. If found guilty, murderers were thrown to alligators, rapists were covered in honey and buried next to an ant mound to be slowly eaten alive, and thieves had their primary hand cut off, followed by their second hand, followed by a mark on their forehead. So rather than locking people up in cages and encouraging a new form of slavery via a private prison industry, people that were mortal threats were killed like rabid dogs, while thieves were free to live at the mercy of charity and as walking examples to deter theft. Brutal, but certainly more just than our current system where the victims of crime are not given restitution and are wronged a second time by being forced to pay tax money to lock up and "rehabilitate" their offenders!
So while they don't recommend pure anarchism with private defense companies and insurance agencies offering protection and arbitration services, they do recommend something infinitely preferable to what we have today - limited republican monarchies with large swaths of voluntarism. Not only did their example governments refrain from running amuck with malum prohibitum "crimes", but they also didn’t appear to claim ownership and dominion of every square inch of land - you are free to leave if you don't like it. And if you choose to be a citizen, then at least you have a very local and direct relationship with your leadership. Thao gave examples from Earth and other first category planets where each town / village would elect elderly leaders known for their wisdom and common sense, and they wouldn't be paid anything for serving their community in this capacity. They also mentioned the election was done with a hand vote, which clearly implies a very favorable representative ratio.
In representative-republican fashion, the seven leaders of a town would themselves elect a leader to represent them at the district level, from which they would elect a representative at the state level, where you then arrive at a wise council of seven for their kingdom, who then elect a "king". While an analysis on the various forms of government is the subject for another blog, I did not need to be convinced that monarchism is preferable to democracy for those that value limited government and individual liberties. I can thank Hans-Hermann Hoppe's Democracy - The God That Failed: The Economics and Politics of Monarchy, Democracy, and Natural Order for alerting me to that demonstrable fact. So while I may be disappointed that we live on a planet whose people are so spiritually bankrupt that we may always need to have some form of an organization with a monopoly on violence, I do feel validated that the guardians of our galaxy recognize our second greatest danger as being "duped and led in circles by a structure of politician and bureaucrats." But it's even better than that, they more or less validate the Non-Aggression Principle as a Law of the Universe! Governments, should they be necessary at all, merely enforce punishment for malum in se crimes, while in every other capacity humans can voluntarily follow leaders and are otherwise destined to exercise their free-will in order to develop spiritually. Libertarians of the world - we have a new moral high-ground!
"After politicians, you have the problem of journalists and reporters. There are some among them, although unfortunately rare, who try to do their job of disseminating information honestly and sincerely, attending carefully to their sources; but we are greatly alarmed that most of them seek only sensationalism.
Your television stations too, screen more and more scenes of violence.Not only do the journalists and reporters of our main stream media fuel the fires of our first two concerns, materialism and our political systems, they also have the power to influence the moral and spiritual development of millions of people. As Thao says, sometimes they do good work, whether by acting as watch-dogs and alerting us of government corruption, or reporting on positive developments in the world, which are unfortunately usually regarded as not "real news" but instead "fluff pieces". But that's the primary problem with media that Thao addresses - that journalists look for sensational stories full of blood, guts, and gore. They figure "we'll give the people what they want" and completely neglect their responsibility they have based on their power over thousands or millions of viewers.
The harm that such irresponsible reporting can do is unimaginable. Thoughtlessness and irresponsibility are not qualities apparent in civilized nations. That’s why I say, on Earth, you have not even achieved the first letter of the word civilization."
I've seen it mentioned before, but perhaps we'll take note when it's said by a 9th level being who is only one step removed from the creator of the universe: if we all agree that school shootings and other massacres are a bad thing, then why in the world does our media thoughtlessly devote so much time to immortalizing the sad, pathetic, lonely, confused lunatics who commit such atrocities. For all the other poor souls who also want attention, this is a direct incentive for them to copy-cat these crimes in order take their place in the history books. From a conspiratorial viewpoint, there are those in power who crave more power and therefore want to disarm every population that still retains their right to gun ownership and self-defense, and the more Prozac-heads that commit these crimes, and the more attention those crimes receive, the easier it will be to solicit a knee-jerk reaction and disarm the law-abiding population.
Regardless of their motivations, whether due to profit, ignorance, or more diabolical intentions, Thao has a common-sense approach to what responsible journalism would look like when tragedies occur:
"Journalists, reporters and anyone else whose function it is to disseminate information should devote no more than two to three lines to such cases of murder. They could simply say: ‘we have just learned of the murder of seven people by an irresponsible lunatic. This murder occurred at whatever location and is a sorry event in a country that considers itself to be civilized.’ Full stop’."The other danger that we face, apparently tied with journalists, is the use of drugs. While Thao doesn't give a run-down of exactly which ones are worse than others, the reason they are bad is not just their impact on one's physical health, but how they affect the psyche of the individual. This is not just because it prevents spiritual development when you're in a drug-induced haze, but it can actually cause a reversal of your spiritual path:
"The Astral body can only be harmed by two things: drugs and the vibrations occasioned by certain kinds of noise. Considering only drugs, it must be understood that they have an influence that is totally against Nature. They ‘remove’ the Astral body to another sphere where it should not be. The Astral body should be either in a physical body or with its Higher-self, of which it is a part. When drugged, an individual’s Astral body is as though ‘asleep’ experiencing artificial sensations that completely distort his or her judgment. It is in the same situation as a physical body is during an important surgical operation. If you like, it’s like a tool that we bend or break by using it incorrectly or for a task for which it was not intended.
According to the length of time that a person is under the influence of drugs, his or her Astral body is going to decline or, more exactly, it is going to become saturated with false data. ‘Recovery’ for the Astral body can take several lifetimes: for this reason, Michel, drugs should be avoided at all costs."
Religion: The hypocrisy of money, power, and war coming from a message of love turns Thao off just a bit. |
Thao seems particularly upset when it comes to the double-standard and hypocrisy concerning religious organizations and money. She goes on quite a rant concerning this:
"Sects and religions are a curse on Earth and when you see that the Pope sets aside millions of francs or dollars for his travel, when he could make do with much less, and use what money is available to help countries suffering from famine, you can not persuade me that it is the word of Christ which directs such actions.The other problem they have with religions is how holy teachings that preach peace and love can be twisted by religious leaders to promote wars and other atrocities. From the times of the Crusades and the Spanish Inquisition, you had supposed Christians killing and enslaving their fellow men all in the name of Christ. While those are older examples, have we really gotten much better? Laurence Vance writes extensively on the intersection of American Christianity and our dual-support for any and every War the U.S. empire launches, no matter how pathetic the target or how ridiculous the justification. When churches fly American flags, pray for the troops, and generally turn a blind eye to the sick realities of an unjust, aggressive, and morally unsupportable war - you have to ask if they care more about their 501c3 tax-exempt status than being the modern day messenger of the Prince of Peace.
There is a passage in your Bible that says: ‘It is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter Paradise.’
The Vatican is certainly the wealthiest church on your planet, and yet the priests have made vows of poverty. They have no fear of being damned, (yet they believe in damnation), because they say it is the Church which is rich, not them. This is really just a play on words since they make up the Church. It’s like the son of a multi-billionaire claiming that he is not rich - only his father is."
While it's not something Thao specifically mentioned, my concern is that religion is used by politicians to incite ignorance, hatred, and an all-encompassing Sharia Hysteria in our people to support bombing 3rd world countries who pose no justifiable threat to us, while also using these boogeymen as the excuse to restrict our liberties at home. With America's good name being tarnished worldwide when acts of torture, spying, and other crimes against humanity are made known, we may be setting ourselves up to be the bad-guy in the next World War. So it seems that the four greatest dangers that face humanity are conjoining sides to the same object - money, politicians, journalists, drugs, and religions are all tools used by elites, secret societies, and other enemies of mankind to corrupt us or at least keep us distracted from what we should be truly focused on - spiritual development through living a code of love, peace, and tolerance.
What Should We Do?
Probably the most objectionable parts of Michel's report, especially for those that consider themselves religious, will be the sections that describe the history of human life on Earth including the first peoples to migrate from another planet, the histories of our religions including Judaism and Christianity, and the rise and fall of ancient civilizations over the last 1,350,000 years. I find this part fascinating, especially as it describes such wonders of the world as the 887 giant statues of Easter Island sitting out in the middle of the Pacific Ocean (it's the remnant of the lost continent Mu) and the true purpose of the Great Pyramids - not slave-built tombs, but technology used to channel energies to communicate with other planets. Anti-gravitation, the secrets of cutting rock using 'electro-ultra-sounds', the long skulls of Peru, controlling the weather, the secrets of the moon, and other mysteries found on the History Channel now form a coherent story when seen through the lens of Thiaoouba Prophecy.
While not as important as the meaning of life and death, Thao also sheds light on the Wonders of the World. |
First, we can learn from the bad example of Earth's first interstellar immigrants. 1,350,00 years ago, on the planet of Bakaratini of the constellation Centaur, a decision was made by the leaders of that planet to send expeditions to the planets Mars and Earth. By the time they decided to explore our uninhabited planet they had become very spiritually advanced, but that came at the price of some very hard lessons. They were like us, having relatively advanced technology but also enormous political barriers between themselves. Things escalated until they finally destroyed themselves with the atom:
"A nuclear war broke out on such a grand scale that the entire planet was plunged into darkness and temperatures fell to minus 40 of your degrees Celsius. Not only did atomic radiation destroy the population, but cold and lack of food accomplished the rest. It is a recorded fact that a mere 150 black people and 85 yellow people survived the catastrophe, from a population of seven billion black and four billion yellow humans. A register of survivors was taken just before they began to reproduce and when they had stopped killing each other.So that is an example of how things could go very badly for us. Luckily, Michael also comes to us with an example of how to avert a nuclear war scenario that he learned from a fellow first-worlder named Arki. He came from a planet very similar to Earth but about twice the size and with 15 billion inhabitants. They had experienced two nuclear holocausts as well as many of our problems, including "dictatorships, crime, epidemics, cataclysms, a monetary system and all that is associated with it, religions, cults and other things." But 80 years ago something happened which can be an example for us: how a small group of people can peacefully resist their government, and how that example can inspire an entire nation to withdraw their consent and gain their freedom:
Because of the lack of food, when the weakest died, they were eaten; then, in order to eat, they had to kill each other - and that was the worst catastrophe on the planet.
All of this occurred, in spite of all the warnings they had received. It should be said that before this almost total decimation, both the black race and the yellow race had attained a very high level of technological advance. The people lived in great comfort. They worked in factories, private and government enterprises, offices - just as happens now on your planet.
They had a strong devotion to money which, to some, meant power and to others, wiser, it meant well-being. They worked on average 12 hours per week.
On Bakaratini a week comprises six days of 21 hours each. They tended to the material rather than the spiritual side of their existence. At the same time, they allowed themselves to be duped and led in circles by a structure of politicians and bureaucrats, exactly as is now happening on Earth. Leaders fool the masses with empty words and, motivated by greed or pride, they 'lead' entire nations towards their downfall.
Gradually, these two great races began to envy each other and, as there is only one step from envy to hate, eventually they hated each other so much and so completely that the catastrophe occurred. Both possessing sophisticated arms, they achieved their mutual destruction."
"The reform was set in motion by a group of four people from a small village on the shores of one of our largest oceans. This group, comprising three men and one woman, preached peace, love and freedom of expression. They traveled to the capital city of their country and requested an audience with the leaders. Their request was denied for the regime was dictatorial and military. For six days and five nights, the four slept in front of the palace gates, eating nothing and drinking little water.This story reminds me of two things from our own planet, the historic speech by Mario Savio and the essay The Politics of Obedience: The Discourse of Voluntary Servitude by Étienne de La Boétie. Mario Savio speaks of the realization one comes to when the system around you is so corrupt, so morally and spiritually bankrupt, that you can no longer walk through life as a single piece in this great puzzle, because even though your own individual actions may not amount to horrible sins, the system you are supporting is committing great evils. By doing nothing and continuing to play your role, to be nothing but a robot in an assembly line, your sin is one of omission. For not doing all you can to stop the "banality of evil" you share in the responsibility.
Their perseverance attracted public attention and by the sixth day, a crowd of 2000 had gathered in front of the palace. With feeble voices, the four preached to the crowd of uniting in love to change the regime - until guards put an end to their ‘sermon’ by shooting the four and threatening to shoot members of the crowd if they did not disperse. This they quickly did, in genuine fear of the guards. Nevertheless, a seed had been sown in the minds of the people. On reflection, thousands of them came to realize that, without a peaceful understanding, they were powerless, absolutely powerless.
Word was passed around among the people - rich and poor, employer and employee, worker and foreman, and one day, six months later, the entire nation came to a standstill.
The nuclear power stations shut down, transport systems halted, freeways were blocked. Everything stopped. The farmers didn’t deliver their produce; radio and television networks ceased transmitting; communication systems shut down. The police were helpless in the face of such unity, for, in a matter of hours, millions of people had joined the ‘cease work’. It seemed, for that time, the people had forgotten their hates, jealousies, differences of opinion as they united against injustice and tyranny. A police force and an army comprise human beings and these human beings had relatives and friends among the crowd.
It was no longer a question of killing four subversive individuals. Hundreds of thousands would have had to be killed just to ‘liberate’ one power station.
In the face of the people’s determination, the police, the army and the Dictator were forced to capitulate."
Étienne de La Boétie's great work approaches this aspect from a slightly different angle. Rather than deciding to "throw yourself upon the gears and upon the wheels" of the machine, he takes a hard look at the reality of voluntary servitude and recommends that you merely walk away from the machine and it will fall apart on its own accord. Stop propping up your government, stop consenting to be ruled, and you will be ruled no longer:
"Resolve to serve no more, and you are at once freed. I do not ask that you place hands upon the tyrant to topple him over, but simply that you support him no longer; then you will behold him, like a great Colossus whose pedestal has been pulled away, fall of his own weight and break into pieces?"So the first brave four of Arki's revolution took the path of Mario Savio, they decided they had nothing left to lose, they could no longer take part, even passively take part, in the evils of their government, and they sacrificed themselves as martyrs by being an example of peaceful resistance and non-compliance. For this they were killed, but like the Tank Man, a seed of resistance and realization was sown in their countrymen. Bullets could kill those first four, but the idea could not be stopped. As this idea spread like a virus through their country, the recommendation of Boétie became a reality. By using the power of numbers and inertia, by merely not going to work in an organized and systematized effort, the individuals may have each lost a day's wages but the owners of the system lost billions. This was how they won their freedom and saved their nation from disaster, and if they can do it on their Planet of Sorrows, then so can we.
In the postscript of Thiaoouba Prophecy, Michael recommends that the book is read three times, and he says that at the end of the third reading you will fall into one of three categories:
- The first, who form the majority, have said they still don’t believe I went to another planet, but have admitted they were moved by the book. In any case, they have said, it doesn’t really matter whether or not it happened, what matters is the powerful underlying message.
- The second, is the former sceptic who, having read the book three times in a row, is convinced that my story is factual, and this reader is right.
- The third, is already more evolved from the outset, and knows from the outset that this is a true story.
If you've gotten through this blog, then my recommendation is more humble. Read it once. There is so much more to this book and I was only able to scratch the surface. If you prefer physical books like myself, you can pick up a new copy for $27 here. After you read the book, you can watch a lecture Michel gave regarding his trip to Thiaoouba.
I don't know how much it matters whether you fall in the first, second, or third categories of readers that Michel described. But I do think reading this book is important. After having read the book, the most important question isn't whether or not his journey really happened, but if there is truth contained in his story, and if so, what are you going to do about? Maybe you won't lead the revolution yourself, but at the least this book will challenge many of your basic assumptions and foundational beliefs. Not only that, but it's so interesting! Once you've read it you can join me in the fun game of finding stories in the news that validate things in Thiaoouba Prophecy.
When I watch the documentary Thrive and it shows the free-energy technologies that are being suppressed, I say, "interesting, Thao described that." When ancient cities are discovered deep in the oceans and evidence of advanced technology is found in the relics I am not surprised. As technologies develop that allow us to see Auras I feel relief, as Thao says it is imperative that our experts invent the special equipment necessary to perceive the Aura so that we can make the correct choices in the times ahead.
But the main benefit I've received from Thiaoouba Prophecy is peace of mind. Especially helpful for those in the liberty movement that follow every news event in great trepidation of the acceleration towards the Big Event, the words of Thao allow me to keep perspective on the big picture and remind me to focus on controlling the controllables. It is a comforting feeling to know that, even in the worse case scenario, if the tensions in the Middle East or on Russia's doorstep lead us to nuclear war, that this is part of the natural cycle that first-category planets go through. It wouldn't be the first and it wouldn't be the last time this has happened on a Planet of Sorrows like ours. I don't want to come off as nihilistic, we should most definitely do everything we can to follow the path of Arki's revolution and not of the Bakaratinians. But in the end the only person we can truly control is ourselves, and if we each work on our own spiritual development by living a code of friendship, tolerance, peace, and love, then even if we don't save this world, at least we'll each have a better chance of moving on to the next level!
Keep it simple: Focus on improving yourself, it's the only person you can truly change. |